Juliane Golbs x
Maison Laurette

The collaboration between Laure Fassard, the talented milliner of “Maison Laurette” and myself is a real pleasure. When I met Laure 2021 in her boutique in Deauville and saw her handmade hats, headbands and hairbands, I was immediately impressed by her craftsmanship and the stunning quality of her creations.

Laure’s handmade hats are truly unique, each of them a work of art in itself and I have the honor to embellish these wonderful hats with my painting and give them a new dimension. I paint delicate floral patterns, exotic skies and abstract shapes on the hats with my favorite acrylic and lacquer paints that I dab and brush with my fingers. Each imprint of my finger on the hats is an expression of my creativity and my endless love for art and fashion.

It is more than an exciting challenge for me to bring these beautiful hats to life and give them my own artistic touch. For example, one of the uses for these unique hats is at horse races. The elegant shapes and ornate details of the hats add a touch of sophistication and style to the ladies. My painted patterns complement the beauty of the hats by adding color and life. The combination of Laure’s craftsmanship and my artistic skills make these hats truly eye-catching at the horse racing tracks.

Another place where these hats can be used is on the beach, for example, because with their wide brims and lightweight materials they provide protection from the sun and at the same time add a touch of glamor. My picturesque designs reflect the beauty of the coast and make the wearers glow under the sun’s radiant rays. Whether it’s a nautical motif or abstract modern vibes, Maison Laurette’s painted hats are the perfect complement for a day at the beach.

Even in the city, these hats are a fashion statement. They add an elegant and sophisticated touch to any outfit. My artwork on the hats can compete with the vibrant atmosphere of the city. From abstract patterns to vibrant florals, the painted hats add color and individuality to the urban hustle and bustle.

Of course, the hats from our collaboration are also an absolute highlight at a summer party with their unique combination of craftsmanship and art they are a real eye-catcher. My paintings on the hats capture the summer mood and leave the party guests individual. Whether at a garden party or an exclusive pool party, the painted hats from me and Maison Laurette are the accessory that adds that special something to any summer event.

Working with Laure Fassard was and is a wonderful experience. We combined our individual talents and our shared passion for beauty and creativity to create something unique. Laure’s masterfully crafted hats provided the perfect canvas for my art, and together we pushed the boundaries of fashion and art.

Each swatch and color choice tells a little story and gives the hats a personality all their own. The combination of Laure’s craftsmanship and my artistic vision creates unique pieces of art to wear.

Through our collaboration, we have not only delighted art lovers and fashionistas, but also created a new perspective on handmade hats. Each Maison Laurette hat is an individual masterpiece that not only adorns the head, but also reflects the creativity and expression of the wearer.

We are very proud that our creations inspire people and help them feel confident and unique.

Working with Laure is not only an artistic partnership, but also a friendship based on shared passion and respect. We have shared our ideas, learned from each other and motivated each other to break new ground. Together we have created a harmonious fusion of craft, art and fashion that pushes the boundaries of creativity.

I am grateful to have been a part of this extraordinary collaboration and look forward to sharing more creative adventures with Laure and Maison Laurette. Whether on the podium of a horse race, on a sunny beach, in the vibrant city streets, or at an unforgettable summer party, the painted hats created from the collaboration of Laure Fassard and I will always bring that certain something and captivate people.

„Sie lässt Hamburg leuchten und strahlen“
Hamburg Journal
"..Die Hamburger Künstlerin vereint in ihren Arbeiten expressionistische und romantische Linien.. Ihre Unikate überraschen immer wieder aufs Neue. "
"..ihre Bilder romantisch -expressionistisch, eine einzigartige Welt voller Farben harmonisch und aufregend zugleich.."
"Sie malt Harmonielehre neu - Ihre Werke verträumt, modern mit einer Leichtigkeit wie man sie sich wünscht, wenn man seinen ersten Urlaubstag beginnt. "
Top Magazin
"die schöne Hamburger Künstlerin Juliane Golbs hat Jan Hofer ein Gemälde gemalt - er bekam das Bild bei "DAS!" (NDR) überreicht."
„Promi-Malerin Juliane Golbs (35) ist der Sonnenschein der Hamburger Gesellschaft“
"Durch die Blume.. die Hamburger Künstlerin zeigt acht ausgewählte Kunstwerke aus der Kollektion "Blumen, die nie welken"..Die Künstlerin spendet 14% der Verkaufserlöse an die NCL Stiftung.."
WELT am Sonntag
"..ihre Bilder romantisch -expressionistisch, eine einzigartige Welt voller Farben harmonisch und aufregend zugleich.."
„The celebrated painter Juliane Golbs does not allow herself to be influenced, but creates influence on the eyes of the viewer. Her works - all unique pieces - are appreciated by collectors and celebrities and take hold throughout Europe.“
Algarve Livestyle Magazin
„Als Malerin gehört sie zu einer Minderheit in der bildenden Kunst, in der es vor allem Männer sind, die den Weg in die Museen und Galerien schaffen. Bisher, das ändert sich, auch weil es Frauen wie Juliane Golbs gibt.“
Der Hamburger
„J‘aime inviter l‘artiste peintre allemande Juliane Golbs, une vraie passionnee des chapeaux, qui aime peindre sur ce genre du support et qui fera, sur le stand, une performance at en live en peignant sur um genre de canotier en paille veritable“
Ouest France
"Promi-Malerin zeigt ihr schönstes Kunstwerk"
„Juliane Golbs veredelt seit Kurzem die Kopfbedeckungen der französischen Manufakturmarke Maison Laurette - Ein Must-Have, um kunstvoll behütet den Sommer zu zelebrieren.“
Top Magazin
„Die Werke der 34-jährigen Wahlhamburgerin sind bunt, farbenfroh und machen gute Stimmung. Wie Golbs selbst.“

©Fotos by Rike Schulz

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